my day at skool, by lydia

we snuk off to katherine's skool one day, and aftr a lot of yelling, katherine wanted me and boggles and ben to write about what we did there. when we were signd en, we all went off in seprte ways. i looked around for a little bit, and then found a room that smelld really good. i peked my hed en, and lookd around. it looked like that room that katherine gets all her food in, only there was more stuff in there. i walkd around a lot, trying to figur out what smelld so good. all of a suddn, i heard someone com in. i got real scared and lookd arond, cause i wantd to hid. there was a big door, and when i opend it, it revld a little cave. i put myself in the cave, and i waited for a long, long time. finally suzan came, and told me that the place i was in was the same place as 'fire' an then she tok me away. i lernd that fire things are good hiding places and not to follow katherine to skool and that places that smel good aren't always good places.

My Day At Skool, By Boggles

Katherine wanted us to write about what we did And what We lerned at her Skool that one Day we Excaped and Went there. She kinda Fussed a lot too, but I'm not Spoza put that. I was Walking Down the Hall when some Really Really Really Really Really Really big boys came Walking down the hall. One of theme steppd on My tale an' it hurt Really Really Really Really Really Really bad. then One of them lookd at me and said WHAT ARE YOU, YOU [word I nevr herd befor] THING? I got Really Really Really Really Really ascared and ran away fast and ran in this rom. I was hidng real well, when some boy pikd me up by the tail, which was real sor. It was Hard Not to Screm, but I trid to be qiet. the Boy got another Boy, and they both talkd about Die-sek-ting me. then Suzan came over and she was real brave and stuff. she Told the boys that She'd do what she did Last time and they got reall scared and let Me go. Suzan then showd me the way out, and i skeedaddled. I lerned a new word that Katherine won't let me write even thow I heer her say It all the Time, that boys are really really Really really Really mean (except for Erik, even though Katherine sayz diffrnt), and that ice feels good on a sor tale.

my day at school by ben

i went to school and it was sorta fun i found this one room and out of morbid curiosity i went in there was a big map on the wall when i was looking at it i noticed a big white place at the bottom of the world called ANTARCTICA i think thats where they keep all the ants and since its white like that i think that must be a really cool place for ettins to go acause theyd be able to hide real well and because theres lots of ants there and ettins like ants they taste good anyway then a big tall lady comes in and i dont think she saw me i was holding onto the map and she rolled it up and i got caught there it was really dark and tight up in the map but i stayed there cause i really didn't have much choice until i was rolled down by the lady then i saw erik he threw a paper ball at this one kid that reminded me of katherine then there was a ding and he got me out of there i lerned that maps are dark places paper balls are good distractions and that ANTARCTICA is a pretty cool place